I have been accused of offending a "Conservative". Oh dear.
I am mightily offended by political conservatives, and quite often. They did not in the least mind Dubyah, Daddy Bush and Ronnie Ray Gun cutting taxes for the wealthiest of Americans (in the hopes that they will trickle down - they, however, did not get rich by trickling money to poor people), and said nothing as the Savings and Loan scandal erupted (a crooked economist's wet dream - give the good debts to the rich folks, and the bad debts, well let the tax payers pay them off!), or when Dubyah did the first bailout before he bailed out of office, and bitching and moaning about "entitlements" ( a right wing code word), and "how our taxes are spent", when people in the richest country in the world people are going hungry and are living on or below the poverty line (including me, but in a bitter racist comment, I am the wrong color and sex, and can speak English, so I can get no help - I am not often racist, but I hate illegal immigration. They can get so much help, and I can get none, and was born here! Dammit!). Too often the Conservatives simply want the poor people to die, and do not in the least want to help them, the people who need help the most. They only want to cut programs, especially "entitlements" (Welfare, Medicaid, Unemployment, even Social Security and Medicare), and anything that helps poor people (especially "niggers and spicks"), and especially "welfare queens".
Oh, and the "Conservatives", a group who should supposedly be looking after our rights, did nothing when their fair haired boy Dubyah passed the Patriot Act, one of the worst abrogations of our rights as Americans ever perpetrated upon an unsuspecting nation, in the guise of "security". I will let you look up what one of our Founders said about liberty and security.
The modern so called "Conservative" is really in fact not at all conservative, but a laissez faire type of economic and political type, that believes (naively, maybe, at least I hope) that big industry and the stock market can regulate itself, that social problems can be cured by taking away funding (oh really? How would you combat poverty then? No answer.), that health care is just fine in the US (give me a break, and don't say the Republicans have a plan. Theirs is to die early, so you don't get too far in debt. Their answer is simply "No".), that all our violence can be cured by having prayer in public schools (you get all hot about the Second Amendment, but conveniently forget the first sort of guaranteed us religious freedom, and that includes freedom *from* it, or having it pushed upon us by a representative of a school that is run by a government body. And, yes, I own guns, and rabidly support the Second Amendment.), and I can go on.
I am also a rural Southerner. I have seen the industry dry up here, not due to "gubmint reg'lation", but to jobs shipped by the truck load (maybe train load) to China. I watched as a surplus under that old devil Clinton was turned into a deficit under the Bush Crime Family, where two wars were started, one righteous, but with no exit strategy, and another wholly illegal, with lingering questions of treason, where deregulation of the financial markets led to a melt down of our economy that has not been seen since the Great Depression (oops! Happened under Hoover, a Republican, and a Democrat, often demonized by the Right, got us out of it), and where unemployment went rampant in part due to jobs shipped to China (our greatest ideological enemy, and should NEVER have been a trading partner, much less "Most Favored Nation").
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