I am about out of patience with the young golfer (who shall remain nameless) who is having family troubles. I am about tired of a country that can make its sports figures multimillionaires, and its teachers and professors paupers.
I used to respect this young man for his supposedly mixed heritage, his determination and seeming wholesomeness, but it looks like fame and riches have corrupted him.
The first thing I was disturbed about was his support and involvement in a golf course and country club that has been tearing the hell out of mountainsides near Swannanoa NC, and making a nasty scar on formerly pristine mountains. Posters of him looking out over mountains and asking rich folks to look at what inspired him sprung up on roadsides here, and made me mad.
Son, we don't need another d___ed golf course!!!!! We simply don't. Golf courses are nothing but an ecological wasteland, with monoculture fairways and greens, and trees that are "sick" or "dying" taken out, leaving no habitat for many hole nesting birds. These greens are poisoned to keep out Japanese Beetles (and thus moles), fertilized with stuff that artificially increases growth, liberally laced with herbicide to keep out any "unwanted" plants, and planted with plants and trees that have never grown in this place, and often escape to become weeds. We just don't need another one. Oh, and you rich Yankees and Floridiots, go back to New York. We just won't do things the way you like it done here, and we are an independent people, and make rotten servants. Which is what you will want when you get this gated, exclusive "community" built. Servants. You certainly don't want these Hillbillies playing golf next to you, or (GASP!!!) living next to you.
Son, from a person of moderate background, you have gotten into the stratosphere because of golf. These whitebread golf types you are pandering this ecological disaster to would not give you the sweat off their... uh necks if you weren't stinking rich, and wouldn't pee on your "Cablinasian" butt if it were on fire except for your millions. They will only use you as long as you make them money, and they will drop you.
I would like to make a suggestion to you. Why don't you use some of these millions you have to help environmental causes, help the homeless, help hungry people in your own country. We just don't need another ecological disaster playground for the stinking rich here in Western North Carolina, though I am sure we are going to get one.
Just my two cents.
End of rant.
Off of soap box.